Track a shipment

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Customer number should be in the format 0000.
Looks good!
Load number should be in the format 0000-0000-0000.
Load number is invalid.

Please enter your customer code and load number above. *

* Tracking is only available for R&R Express, GT Worldwide, and Paradigm shipments at this time

Not sure what your customer code or load number is?
Have a question about a load?

Use our online form to reach your point of contact. They can supply you with your shipment tracking info.

600 - R&R Global
600 - Taylor Transportation, Inc.
500 - LTR - Load To Ride Transportation
320 - RFX | RFE
300 - AGX
280 - R&R Express
255 - American Group
255 - WLX | WLE
255 - GT
240 - Paradigm

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